Monday, November 2, 2009

The Story of LAYS Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips

Good Day!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Boys and Girls,
Cats and Dogs..

Today I have a story to share
about Lays Salt & Vinegar potato chips...
[Warning: Not suitable for children aged below 16 - NC16]

Once upon a time, there was a farmer
who had a potato farm and two two dogs
which he loved a lot.
The two dogs were best friends,
they rolled on the grass in the day
and danced under the stars by night.

Life was simple, he was not rich
and his wife had passed away many years ago.
The contented farmer often reward his dogs
with their favourite treat - potatoes
for making his life enjoyable and being his best friends.
Seasoned with his secret recipe
(not cocaine, you dumb ass!) sea salt and vinegar,
his dogs were very happy to be his best friends too.

Soon, the old man passed away.
The two dogs were heart-broken.
(If you had noticed the farmer's "angel-lust",
you are a very observant reader.)

The dogs were very grief-sickened,
one of them decided to travel the world.
So as a parting gift, the other dog gave him the last potato
that the old farmer left behind
to eat on his journey.
The dog that left behind soon passed away
due to hunger, sorrow and loneliness..

A few kalpas later, the dogs met in their after lives.
One of them became a ninja rabbit
(I insist its not a monkey or a half-breed animal).
The other became a bear in yellow bikini.
One fateful day, the bear was travelling to its class
with a newly bought packet of potato chips
and was sighted by the rabbit.

The rabbit had never eaten potato chips before,
but there was a strange feeling of nostalgia overpowering it,
telling the ninja rabbit that it must have the potato chips.
So the rabbit quickly jumped down from the tree,
snatched the potato chips and ran away..

The bear in yellow bikini called the police
and the rabbit was sentenced to a lifetime in a temple
to repent on its bad deeds.
The empty potato chips packet was returned to the bear
and it lived happily ever after!


I know its a stupid story..
.. but its really meaningful, right?
Errr... right?


  1. haha.. interesting..
    but why yellow bikini? =P

  2. thanks for commenting =)
    there's a story behind it
    will reveal in time
